Maria Venus sexy with bikini

Maria Venus sexy with bikini

Maria Venus is a well known Model from Sycracuse, New York. Her hight is 5 feet 2 inch. Maria Venus is a Half Thai-Half Italian. Or you can say she is “the best of both worlds!” She writes in her Facebook official page All my life I have been known as unique.” I think it’s something that runs wild in my veins. I’ve never been one to strive on being different; it just comes with who I am. So let me introduce myself, my name is Maria Venus. True, my last name really is Venus. I am the proud mommy of a little girl who is the center of my universe. I’m a domestic goddess during the week and a go getter on weekends. Im a woman of many ambitions. When I was young I dreamt of being in the spotlight, nothing has changed. Im a small town girl who thrives for a little more......
In addition, I am entertaining and easy going, yet focused and determined. I am always professional and willing to try new things. Although I do enjoy and take much pride in modeling, I have an excitement and a goal to be a part of the film/TV and media part of the industry. My personality has moved me at a steady pace within my career and with that has granted me many opportunities for travel. During my travels, I have been able to meet some amazing people within the industry and have established a vast network of friends. On the whole, I am known to have an infinite amount of passion and an out of this world personality, which I carry and display with pride. Thus, reflecting on my everyday life and career as a successful mother and model.
Please do not hesitate to message me! I love getting feedback and I love inquiries about new work! We collected some more beautiful photos of Maria Venus, check it out and feel easy

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>>> Maria Venus Sexy Pink Corset

Maria Venus sexy with bikini
Maria Venus sexy with bikini

Maria Venus sexy with bikini
Maria Venus sexy with bikini

See more her photos:
>>> Maria Venus Sexy Pink Corset

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